I was reading some old Marvels recently when I came across Marvel Two-In-One #10 and this little gem really jumped out at me:

I could gush about the awesomeness of the splash page for a whole post but the story beyond the splash page is pretty nice too.
Marvel Two-In-One as a book had a kinda klunky premise. Every issue they'd have to dream up some reason or other for the main hero of the book (usually the Thing) to run into whatever other hero he was gonna fight/team-up with this issue.
That being said Marvel Two-In-One nine times out of ten would give you a great little done in one story and usually some B-list super-villain scoring some serious face time. Being a sucker for B-list super-villains they had me at hello.
What this issue lacks in B-List super-villains it more than makes up for with bumbling terrorists 'the Sword of Judgement'. These clowns plan to drop a thermo-nuclear bomb into the sea in hopes of causing a radioactive tidal wave that will wipe out the eastern seaboard.

Anyway, their plot contains one fatal flaw. Their boss used to date slinky, sexy Russian super-spy Natasha Romanova aka the Black Widow who inevitably shows up to throw a leather-clad spanner in her ex-honey's works. Coincidentally while being chased by her ex-boyfriend's goons she almost runs over the Thing and Alicia Masters in her fancy sports car - oh the serendipity!
With the klunky meeting behind us we get to sit back and enjoy the Widow and the Thing engaging in some good old fashioned bad-guy-ass kicking! In the ensuing ass-kickery though the enormous thermo-nuclear bomb accidentally gets knocked into the sea. Whoops! Now Ben has to haul the frickin' thing back up with his bare hands before it reaches it's trigger depth and blows them all to smithereens. With Benjy out of the fight it's up to Black Widow to single-handedly take down an army of lover-boy's crazy henchmen!
Incidentally this issue also has an A-Team-style escape. Of course unlike Hannibal and the boys the Widow doesn't need to be locked up in a barn full of power tools to pull a Houdini. She packs a whole ACME escape kit under her fake back skin.
I'm not kidding check it out:

But that splash! That splash! Lord have mercy!!!
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