Recently DC kicked off a new series called Adventure Comics that for the first few issues gave us back something we'd been missing since the heady days of the 90s. You remember the 90s don't you - those were some glory days for comics. Supermen died and came back with mullets, Green Lanterns were storing girlfriend parts in their fridges and a young whippersnapper named Spawn was duking it out with a foul-mouthed clown from hell month in and month out.
When I cracked open that first issue of Adventure comics I was transported back to those days as I stared in disbelief at a comic that starred Superboy!
Now when I say 'starred' I'm not talking a Teen Titans style supporting character role. I'm talking Conner 'Superboy' Kent front and centre in all his wall of reality punching glory!
Granted things have changed for Conner over the years. No longer is he bopping about Hawaii looking for trouble with news-reporting sex kitten Tana Moon. Nor is he sporting that
horrendous 90210 haircut or that bitchin' leather jacket.
In fact in these issues of Adventure Comics he's taking things kind of slow and mellow. Hanging out at the Kent's farm in Smallville, going to school, going on dates with fellow Teen Titan and advocate of the 'jeans-as-acceptable-superhero-attire' look Cassie 'Wondergirl' Sandsmark.
In fact in this particular issue he spends most of his time angsting it up with his best bud Tim 'Robin/Red Robin' Drake:

Despite the complete lack of reality-punching these little character sequence are really enjoyable. I don't think Conner or Tim have had characterisation as good as this in a good long while. We get to see them renew their friendship talking about how it's no fun being 50% alien boy scout 50% bald megalomaniac or being the only one who believes your
surrogate dad is bouncing around time dressed as a pirate. It's like watching a good episode of classic grunge teen-drama 'My So Called Life' only with batarangs and without that
creepy mop-headed next door neighbour kid.
While all this touchy-feely bonding is good stuff we here at YouAreComic know that our loyal fans demand at least a little butt-kickery in their comic-books. Sadly with Conner trying to be a normal teenager he's a bit too busy 'finding himself' to engage in any proper super-heroic action.
Luckily this book comes with a familiar co-star who supplies all the butt-kickery even the most rabid YouAreComic action junkie could possibly want...and this co-star comes with a cape:

That's right folks Adventure Comics #3 gives you Krypto the Super-Dog kicking ass and taking names. While Conner's getting his emo on, his loyal, fuzzy pal is rounding up costumed bad guys and crazy 'mother-box' stealing wackos in effort to get his surly new master to give him a damn treat or at least a quick scratch behind the ears....
...and what does he get for his trouble?

Damn Kents. This new one is a dick just like
that other one.
If I was Krypto I'd go hang out with Ace the Bat-Dog. All he does is slouch around the batcave peeing against the wheel of the batmobile and scratching himself on the giant coin...and he got a staring role in that Batman Of the Future cartoon.