- - and I cry.
Then once I'm done crying I smack them upside their head with a copy of Thunderstrike #9. This is a comic chock full of classic Lee-Ditko style Marvel goodness. It's got an angsty, hero with actual problems (y'know ex-wives, surly kid, gammy leg), a big mean villain who likes to bat the hero around like a hockey puck and a good, old fashioned mystery arch nemesis.
The arch nemesis in question is Bloodaxe, who has been hounding Eric Masterson since back when he was the Thunder God stand in. Last time they met Eric smacked his bottom and took away his evil enchanted axe.
In this issue Bloodaxe is re-united with the axe:

But wait - - does that mean?
You guessed it true believer:

Drink it in folks - that is how you set up the mystery arch-nemesis ploy! De Falco and Frenz pulled it off beautifully. We are totally sucked in, we're left dying to know who from the party is actually Eric's most dangerous foe! Stan and Steve couldn't have done better themselves.
Add to this the fact that this issue has an excellent Thunderstrike-Bloodaxe confrontation - provided you can get past the fact that the costumes kinda make it look like the knife-fight from Michael Jackon's 'Beat It' video.

Show them how funky and strong is your fight!
"...no one but the fiendish feet..." sorry got carried away with the 'Beat it' lyrics.
I dunno looking at that picture of those red faced demonic looking transexuals I would say they all look like Eric's foe!
"...it doesn't matter who's gonna fight, just beat it..."
You have a point - there's not a looker in the bunch. Maybe it's time Eric made some new friends.
"They'll kick you, then they beat you, Then they'll tell you it's fair, So beat it"
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