That's right baby - ROM #45 is awesome!
The main reason it's awesome is right there on the cover. The Soviet Super Soldiers! Mother Russia's own mutant militia. What isn't great about the SSS? I'll give you a clue - nothing!
You've got Darkstar, the slinky seductress of the team. She's got a mutant twin made out of Darkforce energy and she once dated Iceman. Iceman for crying out loud! Try as you might you cannot love that!
How about Vanguard. He wears a big blue cape and carries a hammer and sickle around everywhere. He has vague energy powers and a great big mouth.
Best of all is Ursus. What can I say about this guy? Well I could say HE'S A BIG FREAKING BEAR who likes to kick ass and talk politics:

Sure, it's got the Soviet Super Soldiers, we all know they're awesome, but that cover also promises Bear on Spaceknight action. I don't wanna buy this book full of hope of some B&S only to be disappointed. My little heart couldn't take it.
Don't worry pal, Bill and Sal don't write cheques their butts can't cash. Behold the sweet awesomeness that is: Bear versus Spaceknight:

As if you're not already convinced and rushing out to buy this issue while still wearing your jammies - there's more. The issue thunders to a climax as Russkies and Spaceknights put their differences aside and join forces - for a BIG MUSICAL NUMBER:

Good book though
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