I probably hurt his fishy feelings real bad.
Arthur, I apologise. Can we be buddies again?
I'll make it up to you. I'll do a post where you get to be all cool and badass. How would that be? How about that time in JLA #118 where you saved Martian Manhunter from Despero? You were all cool and tough then, remember?

Not that you need any help! You had the battle in complete control - no question. I mean you keep a cool enough head to deliver tough guy responses Clint Eastwood would be proud of:

How was that then? Are we friends again? Okay okay I promise never to show unflattering images that make you look like a pansy ever again. Yes, of course I'll remind my readers one more time about the awesomeness of Aquaman - it would be my pleasure.
Don't forget dear readers: Aquaman = awesome

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