Web Of Spider-man #38 A.K.A. The Drunk Spider-man issue.
That's right folks this issue has so much hard liquor that you'll be convinced Aunt May is Carmen Electra's hotter twin sister!
The fun begins at a party in Peter Parker's apartment. This was the era when a penny-pinching Spidey lived in Mrs. Muggins apartment building (remember Mrs Muggins? She was a fox! No wait...urm...how many beers have I had?)
Anyway Pete's downing his tenth glass of Mary Jane's yummy fruit punch (Pete's a role model for lots of little kiddiewinks so when it comes to alcohol he just says NO! Beating super-villains into toothless, bloody pulp - that's okay. Having a beer - that's a big no-no). Where was I? Oh yeah, Pete's having a right old time of it:

Oh phooey! Party's over for Pete. He has to get suited up and go kick some gobliny ass!
On his way out the door he realises that he's feeling a bit strange. The world seems a brighter, happier place full of cute puppies, fluffy bunnies and dancing liquor bottles who encourage you to join their conga line. Being a tee-totaller Pete has no idea what's wrong with him, he just knows he feels funky:

It doesn't take long for the Hobgoblin to figure out that his foe is off his trolley (the fact that he's slurring like Oliver Reed and smells like a brewery is a dead giveaway). Spider-man is insulted by the accusation and decides to give Hobby a right royal thrashing for it - - but instead he ends up tied up to an electric pylon with his own webs:

It doesn't take Pete long to develop the multiple drunken personalities of a seasoned boozehound. By the time he makes it back to the party he has switched from fun, sloppy, goblin-punching drunk to surly, angry, party ruining drunk:

Hang on - here comes the liquor bottle conga line...
..Come on and do the conga! Come on and do the conga!
Drunk Spider-man roooolllzzzz!!!
Uh Oh *hic* I think I'm gonna hurl...
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