By means of an apology for neglecting all my loyal blog readers out there I give you Storm from the X-Men getting hit in the face with a pie!

Ta Da!
Now I don't know about you but where I come from 'pieface' is not a big enough transgression to warrant unleashing the full force of the elements on the pie-thrower's New York apartment building - but those feisty weather goddesses are a temperamental bunch.
When X-Men leader Cyclops shows up though he's understandably upset. Don't mutants have enough public relations problems without one of them causing a 'lightning storm apocalypse' in Downtown New York, 'pieface' or no 'pieface'! He demands an explanation:

Hmm...he's too strict. I think piefacing warrants an over reaction. Typical man, it's ok for Wolverine to jump to conclusions but not Storm?! We all have our weak moments and this was obviously her's. No one likes to be known as pieface. Maybe she should've piefaced Cyclops aka 'Goody two shoes Ash', that'll teach him.
Hey yer preaching to the choir here - I think Cyclops would benefit from a good piefacing!
As for Storm - maybe it was that time of the month eh?
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