I'm here to tell you that Manhunter #9 has got car crashes and explosions up the wazoo! (Cold beer and comfy chairs are against the Comics Code so it's B.Y.O. for them I'm afraid).
To prove my point, let's talk car crashes. I know all you folks out there in internet land aren't about just any old car crashes. You're into hardcore Transporter 2 style car crashes!! The kind where you drive your car off of the roof of one building and crash it through the wall of the building opposite!
Manhunter has got you covered baby:

That's the effect Manhunter has on the villains it features. Copperhead, Shadow Thief, Phobia they all became bad to bone when they were in this book.
Even crusty old Monocle gets his own solo moment of shining glory.

Car crashes, exploding heads, laser monocles, slutty female lawyers in red lycra these are the ingredients of true comicbook greatness.
Manhunter, my friends, has them all. Pop out to your local comicbook shop and buy it now.
Huh? what's that?
What do you mean cancelled?
Not again!!

You tell 'em Arthur!
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