First up I have to say that despite my icy feelings toward the editorially mandated devil-divorce that befell the Spidey books I have been enjoying the hell out of the new direction ever since. Dan Slott, Joe Kelly, Marc Guggenheim, Fred Van Lente and the rest of the rotating Spidey-team have been making this one of the most consistently fun and enjoyable books coming out the House Of Ideas, three times a month no less! I've been loving every minute of it. They've been introducing new villains, new supporting characters, giving old standards like Aunt May and Harry Osborn a new lick of paint and generally setting up a whole new status quo for Spidey and the readers to have a boatload of fun in.
This issue though, with Fred Van Lente at the helm (I shouldn't be surprised it's great with the guy who wrote The Weapon calling the shots), does something which when done well is one of my favorite comic book tricks:
To take an old lame villain and make him cool, menacing and threatening.
Hey, Fred already did it to The Spot a whole bunch of issues ago and now he's doing it to the Chameleon:

Luckily for us Mr. Van Lente knows his job. Making characters awesome is his bread and butter. More than that he makes it look so simple. After reading this issue every writer that has ever tried and failed to make Chameleon badass will be kicking themselves and saying:
"Dammit! All I needed to do was dress him in a bathrobe, give him an uzi that shoots flesh coloured slime and have him tie dudes to chairs and drop them in a big vats of acid!"

"Hold on. What? Evil Statues of Liberty?"
Yes indeedy my friends you heard me right. Peter Parker does in fact get attacked by an evil Statue of Liberty in this issue:

Between me reading issue 602 and writing this post issue 603 has come out. It's every bit as good as this issue. I've been enjoying the hell out of everything the Spidey-guys have been dishing out recently. Marvel have definitely hit on a winning combination here and I hope these guys all stick around for a long time to come.
Devil-divorces or not - Spidey is back on top people.
Start picking up his book before they sic Mount Rushmore on your ass!
I'm afraid I've stolen your idea old boy and started a blog. Seeing that I'm bored in work. Stop by and see what you think.
I have an idea Tony that will get you into comic book stores.
Create a comic book hero, that goes by the name of 'Big Dogg'. That's right, a double 'g'.
Since it's based on me, the only power he needs is his damn good looks ;).
Keep up the good work, fellow yuppy :).
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