Superman had wandered away from his core concept a little bit over the years. DC handed the Man of Steel over to controversial, comics superstar John Byrne to bring him back to basics.
The man outdid himself. That original 6 issue mini-series was a triumph. It gave us back the Supes we all know and love. Whatever they've done with him over the years you can always go back and relive the joy of those 6 issues.
Byrne had a handle on what Supes is all about. Sure he's an alien who doesn't fit in anywhere. Sure he can bench press asteroids. Sure he can't bang regular chicks without a kryptonite condom but underneath all that he's just a big cuddly teddy bear who loves you very much.
Sure he's a somewhat sleazy teddy bear who enjoys getting interviewed by female reporters in slinky bathrobes:

Hey baby, you know the saying - once you go Kryptonian...
We all know what you're up to with that X-Ray vision of yours, you dirty beast.
His peeping tom tendencies aside, Byrne really liked to play up my favorite aspect of Superman's character - Supes as a boy scout. Sure it makes him seem a little cheesy, and a lot of writers prefer to angst him up but I'm afraid if Superman ain't helping an old lady across the street every chance he gets - he ain't Superman.
In the hands of a master like Byrne, the boy scout works beautifully:

I loved, loved loved this mini-series.
Now if only DC would commission that Superman mini-series written by Dean Cain I could die a happy man.
Howdy fellas...lets's bowl some balls...
I would only watch that mini series written by Dean Cain if Lane Smith (RIP) starred in it...great actor...
Well that's a no brainer.
The tough decision would be which Jimmy Olsen do you cast?
Rubber-faced or Regular?
I would go for the dude that was in the Richard Donner films, you know the brother from Back to the Future?
I wanna cooool rider....
No way, that guy sucks.
Besides Margot Kidder probably ate him.
It's gotta be the original, non-rubbery-faced, Chaci-looking Jimmy from L&C.
Didn't you see Final Destination 2 - he was the bomb!
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