When you're talking about comics and weddings you're talking about Avengers #60 (well if you're really old you are anyway).
This is by no means the greatest comicbook in the world, in fact I would go as far as to say that logic and this comic part ways pretty early on, but what it lacks in logic it more than makes up for in glorious comicbook wackiness.
We've got the Wasp marrying the new stingy-insect themed Avengers rogue Yellow jacket, who claims to have killed her ex-lover Goliath. So Cap and the other Avengers, suitably upset by her decision, do the only thing they can - -
- - They eat crabpuffs and make smalltalk with Doctor Strange and Ben Grimm about what a lovely ceremony it was.
Not a lot of Avenging going on for poor old Goliath.
Just as you're about to lose all faith in humanity salvation arrives - in the form of - - the caterers?

So a fiendish, culinary-tinted plot was hatched and let's face it no wedding crashing plot is complete without:

Snakes in a cake. Where is Samuel L when you need him?
I may mock but I love the Circus of Crime. Any story that features them is instantly made 90% better by their presence alone. This story is no exception all your bumbling favorites are present and accounted for - plus the Ringmaster toting a machine gun. That dude is bad to the bone

Three ring fiends - Tee Hee Hee - I'm so stealing that
The artwork is gorgeous and seeing Old Ringy and his cohorts getting their asses handed to them by the Avengers is a sticky toffee treat. Yummy.
As for the wedding...as it turns out Yellowjacket is actually Goliath in the midst of a psychotic episode/identity crisis.

Awwwww, that Jan, she's just a slushy old romantic isn't she?
Well, there you have it - Love, romance, mental illness, yellow spandex and a clown on a unicycle with a cane that shoots lasers.
I hope all you wedding planners out there were taking notes.
1 comment:
Come in King Randor, you Royal boob!!
I would advise all girls to rush their men 'down the ailse before they revert to their commitment phobic Goliath Persona'!!!
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